Much inspiration comes when seeing the first signs of Spring. Robins feasting in the yard and fussing at one another. The buds giving way to new leaves on the trees and beautifully sculptured flowers peer up from all around places. Bees beginning to pollinate with the fresh smell of green grass, fruit trees and planted gardens. As the snow melts, the sound of running creek beds rise and water the lands. Yes Spring is one of my favorite times of the year! But...
Spring means more than just pleasant smells and pretty flowers. Along comes the heavy downpours and flood waters, hail storms and tornadoes. I am reminded by my GSP Emma that the forecast is about to change as she trembles and hunts for a safe hideout until the thunderstorms pass us by. She can sense the really bad ones coming and has been known to lay on top of me; to shelter my body just in case. Let's not forget their deep feelings but praise them for their sensitivities! What's Spring like in your area?
Authored by: Linda Jangula